i wrote this actually on 26th july 2008...at 3.59am....in my study room....
for me, love is a gift from GOD to us. we have one of the beauty of life without having to buy it. can everyone be grateful please???huhu....what things are even much sweeter than love??what things are even more sincere than love???and what things are even much stupider than love???i've asked a few friends about loving someone and being loved by someone....and all of them said, "being loved is a lot sweeter than loving someone.." but the best is, when both come altogether at the same time...
and right now, at this very minute, i know i've fallen in love....
what are so damn great about love??it can make u do stupid,unexplained things. it can make u do nothing at all! it can even make u suffer. so,why take the risk??don't love, n u will live. but...love is somewhat a yinyang thing...and people would prefer to feelthe bitter sides of it as long as they are able to know the sweetness beyond the love. with love, even the stupidest,dumbest guy on earth would be willing to take the challenge.coz love makes people brave, n love shows how honest we are.
and right now, at this very minute, i know i've fallen in love.
we can love anyone we want, even without reasons, but we can't force anyone to love us. that's the biggest difference btw to love n being loved. and that is why we prefer the feeling of being loved, it is unexplainable, unimaginable....it comes all by itself n u have to experience it yourself. i can love anyone i want, but i can't make them love me back. it explains the unconditional part of love.
and at the age of 18, i've already own the greatest love a person could ever have....
- my family...(pak,arwah mak,tok,abg e n family,kaknini,abg ein etc...)
- friends that i love sooo much~wanie as nada fathi fizah jimah kirah apple najmi suhaimi zafri etc.....
- a very special bestfriend God gave me~nadd....
- and i do have the world's greatest love too...insyaALLAH....
my love towards them complete half of my life, n if they love me too, my life is totally complete....i need no more...huhu....(^_^)