Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Hey. How is it already September? I didn't even remember how I went through the past 8 months. Somehow the saying is true that; the day feels long but the year passes by in a flash.

2024 has been such a roller coaster ride for me. This is a saying that people say and hear all the time right. But really, I was in the lowest of the lowest and there were also moments when I was so high up in the sky.

2024 was about me falling down to rock bottom. 2024 was about me struggling to come up for air. 2024 was about me acknowledging that I needed help. 2024 was about me asking for help; literally. 2024 was about me acknowledging that life sucks because it was how I wanted it to be. 2024 was about loving people by choice, but at the same time knowing that being tied up to responsibilities is something you cannot avoid, no matter how much you wanted to escape. 2024 was about prioritizing myself and not allowing people to dictate how I should feel. 2024 was about accepting that I have flaws, and to some people I might be a villain in their life, but it is okay. 2024 was about letting it be. 

I made a few good memories as well in 2024. I travelled with people whom I genuinely care and love. I had some me time to enjoy things that I love. I ran. I participated in a few 5km funruns. It was exhilarating, running with your friends and getting a medal for it (even though we practically paid for the medal). I bought friendship rings, supposed to be only one but I impulsively bought two while telling myself it's a good investment lol. 

And so every end of the month, I suffered while waiting for my next income. But that doesn't stop me from spending to my heart's content. My brain and my heart are in constant war. Only spend what you have vs Duit boleh cari, saving2 nanti mati tak sempat guna macam mana? 

I'll come back and talk nonsense again. Today was kind of a slow morning. And I'm not feeling that good as my bestfriend is giving me silent treatment. My fault, so I just have to suck it up since I can't live without her lol.