Tadi Yuyu call dari bilik Pidah. Yuyu cakap, kenapa tak wish birthday Azhani? Kesian kat dia. Dia tunggu. Azhani, i didn't forget your birthday. Saya ingat birthday awak, Azhani. Dan saya sengaja bukak page awak kat Facebook and comment kat post orang lain on the night of your birthday. Saya sengaja tak nak wish birthday awak. Sebab saya tak nak wish awak the way orang lain wish awak. Because I want to make my wish special in my own way. Sebab saya tak nak wish awak "Happy Birthday." Sebab saya nak wish awak "Happy Belated Birthday."
Ingat tak gambar ni? Ni one of the two pictures that i gave you on your last birthday. Kalau pun awak tak bawak that photo frame with you to India, I hope you can take a very good care of it. It contains one of my life happiest memories. It contains one of the love that I treasure most. Being a friend, saya hanya boleh bagi awak persahabatan, dan memori. And with this picture, at least I know you will sometimes remember me whenever you see it.
Gambar ni ada makna yg sangat signifikan pada saya. In this, we are no longer friends. In this, we are a family. Saya tak pernah sayang kawan2 saya macam saya sayang family saya. Instead, saya harap saya sayang family saya macam saya sayang kawan2 saya. Sebab sayang saya pada family saya is one conditional love. And i have no choice but to accept the choice. Choice to love the family yg Allah dah tetapkan utk saya. And i'm just grateful utk itu. But with friendship, it was unconditional. Allah beri saya peluang utk pilih orang yg saya nak sayang. Allah biarkan saya jumpa awak, dan Allah biarkan saya cultivate rasa sayang saya pada awak. With family, i have no choice but to love them with all that i have. With friendship, i do have choice, and i chose to love you with all that i have.
A friend of mine asked me once,"How can I really understand girls?"
And I replied,"I have no answer, because i don't fully understand myself either."
Kenapa saya tak suka all those bracelets, rings, accessories etc macam girls yg lain? Kenapa saya tak boleh pakai high heels? Kenapa saya suka baca novel yg saya sendiri pun tak terfikir saya boleh baca? Kenapa saya tak suka pusing2 tudung macam girls yg lain? Dan, walau apa sekali pun jawapan saya, being a girl who doesn't really achieve the standard of being a girl made me feel special towards our friendship. Sebab I'm among the girls who doesn't know how to talk gracefully. Which is why among all your girl friends, saya mungkin termasuk dlm kelompok minoriti yg bahasakan diri saya "aku" when talking to you. It seems simple, tapi sumpah Azhani! Aku rasa istimewa for being that way, for being able to talk to you that way, for being able to be myself whenever I'm in front of you.
Hari tu result utk siapa yg dapat pergi Hradec Kralove keluar. Shida dapat. Awak, Diba, Alyaa, Nini and Dolly tak dapat. Saya pulak tak berani nak check. Awak mintak no siri saya, tp saya tak bg. Senyap2 saya suruh kawan saya kat GMI checkkan. Waktu tu kita tengah dinner. And saya dapat sms dari kawan saya tu. Saya dapat. Saya bagitahu kat awak and yg lain. Dan time saya tgh gelak2 dgn Shida, tb2 awak nangis. Sumpah saya terkejut sgt waktu tu. Shida cakap, "Time Az tahu yg dia tak dapat, dia gelak. Time dia tahu Shida dapat, dia tak cakap apa2. Time dia tahu Shiela dapat, dia menangis." Awak cakap bukan sebab Shiela je awak nangis. Awak nangis sbb Shida, Shiela, Sofia, Nina dapat. Tak kisah la awak nangis sbb saya ke tak waktu tu, tapi sy tak rasa saya dapat lupa waktu tu.
Azhani, I'm out of ideas already. There're too much too treasure, yet I don't know how to put them into words. I might be one of the passer-by in your life. One who came knocking in your life as a guest. One whom you invited in, have a good chat and finally is going to leave. I might be one of those. One who once appeared, and then may dissapear without leaving a single trace behind. I might not have the chance to see you again. But I do want to let you know. Even though you are also a passer-by in my life, even though you are only a guest in my life, even though you are going to finally leave.. you are one of a kind. You are one that can never be forgotten. You are one that I don't want to forget. Thank you, for letting me in. Thank you, for accepting me. Thank you, for everything. You definitely deserve more than a thank you and a blog entry, but this is the only way I could think of. This is the only way I could think of to show how important you are to me, to show how much I treasure our friendship.
Azhani, Happy Belated Birthday! I did intend to be a late wisher. I did plan not to wish you on your birthday. Because a belated wish can be said for another 364 days before you encounter your next birthday. Because i do want to wish you for 364 times. With my wish every single day of the year comes my doa for you. I wish that your life will be blessed. I wish that you will have a smooth sailing journey throughout your life. I wish you happiness. I wish you love and laughter. I wish that you'll have worth remembering memories to accompany your life. I wish you success. I wish you strength; so that whenever you encounter any problems in your life, you will be strong enough to face them, you will be strong enough to protect yourself, you will be strong enpugh to have full faith in Allah. And most of all, I wish you a good life now and hereafter.
jelesnyaaa!!!!! huhu...
i'll never have sumbody yg akn wat anythin like thid to me...
i guess...never ever....
alah alyaa...
apa nak jeles2 ni??
ak sayang semua sama jela..
sayang anda jugak tau! muahh!!
jimmy says...speechless...huuu:)..jum skyping!
sayela kwn di GMI tu kwn2 !!!
hahaha .
popular seketika .hee
azhani: ko mmg slalu speechless, at least cakap la time kasih ke..heheh
mashi: yup2,silalah mempublisitikan diri anda..ngehehe!! lawak la ko ni
banyaaakkk nyaaa gmbar sy =p
rindu az jugak!!
rindu e1313. sobs!!
hee. saja letak gambar ko gak.
sbb rindu shahida jugee. hee~
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