i'm not in the mood of uploading any photos right now. but thank God, i still have passion in writing. i don't care if i'm writing blog every single seconds of my whole day. i don't give a damn if there's not any single eye who is willing to read it. i don't really want to care. i write for myself. i write for my own satisfaction. and i'm happy that way.
should i-like Johanna-have two blogs;one for the public and the other for herself?? i'm afraid i am not able to manage both, yet there are so many things i'd like to throw out and spill without hurting anyone around. uh-huh.
living together with Yuyu, there're at least three things she already told me about herself; 1-she forgot very quickly of what she's talking about if someone came on her way 2-she's perfectionist 3-she loves art. and i asked her, "haven't i tell u anything about myself?". and of course not. i don't even know what to tell about myself. maybe if only i'd really have to put in on the list, i'll say i love words. i read novels, but i chose the authors. i didn't watch movies adapted from my favourite books. and i am getting passion on the atlas, and people won't have any idea how much i regret for not taking my atlas here with me.
Minn once told Ked, "i'm not that ordinary type of girl-who loves pink, fashions, lipstick, flowers and stuff." so am i the ordinary type of girl?? i definitely hate pink. i don't even know about the latest fashions and how to dress myself except the way i used to. i don't wear lipstick, except the lipice to keep my lips from getting dry and bleeding. i have never got flowers from anyone, and i don't feel like buying it myself. so am i?? or am i not??
and i do get jealous sometimes-honestly-when friends keep talking about how happy they are;to have someone who care about them. they have someone to dedicate the Aguilera's I Turn To You whenever they are having hard times. and i??? except God, i only have my Phoebe. and of course, they keep telling me,"enjoy your single life, having someone with you is not always bright." yeah2, so why did you at the first place?? out of curiosity? or what?
sumpah aku cakap, aku blh terima orang yg kapel. aku blh terima orang yg kapel sampai bawak jumpa famili. aku blh terima orang yg kapel and ada planning pasal future, nak kahwin bila umur brapa.. tapi aku tak blh terima orang yg kapel yg keep repeating the word "rindu cinta sayang" every now and then. aku tak boleh terima orang yg kapel yg TALK about hugs and kisses all the time. aku tak boleh terima orang yg kapel yg menjadikan takdir dan ketentuan Tuhan sbg alasan dan sebab dorang kapel. aku tak boleh terima orang yg kapel minggu ni,clash minggu depan,mourning the other week,and kapel pulak dgn orang lain minggu lagi satu.
dulu, aku pernah ada sorang kawan lelaki, yg sekarang ni masih lg kawan yg baik dgn aku. ada masalah, aku contact dia, aku sedih aku cari dia, tp aku tak sedar, Matlamat Tu Tak Pernah Menghalalkan Cara. aku ckp kat diri aku,"alah,aku mana ada apa2 feeling pun kt dia, so xsalah kot kalau aku nk share things." sedangkan Tuhan dah cakap terang2 dalam surah al-Isra':32. dan ada jugak manusia yg putarbelitkan kenyataan ni. malas la nk komen pnjg lebar, sendiri mau ingat la.
aku bersyukur dgn diri aku sekarang. tak kisah la aku kapel ke x, aku hepi ke x, asal aku tau apa yg baik utk diri aku. aku sgt2 bersyukur aku ada Wani. aku ada banyak kawan lelaki. kawan lelaki yg aku boleh percaya. kawan lelaki yg sama2 belajar membesar 5 tahun kat Jenan. dan sungguh, apart from them, aku susah nak berkawan dgn lelaki lain, dari Msu, PLKN, mana2 jela. aku rimas dgn romantic and mushy words. i don't like people hitting on me. aku tak suka lelaki yg cakap berlapik2 dgn aku. aku nak kawan dgn lelaki mcm Apple. dia open je dgn aku, he even said the word b*** on me. duh~(jgn la contohi dia ye..) aku nak kawan dgn lelaki mcm Nasir. yg aku xpayah nak control ayu or what dgn dy, tgh mulut penuh dgn nasik pun aku taram je ckp dgn dia. aku nak kawan dgn lelaki yg anggap aku mcm kawan, bukan mcm perempuan.
aku nak kawan dgn orang yg dapat terima kekurangan aku. yg rasa salah, dorang tegur, tp bkn utk buat aku nmpak perfect pd pndgn orang lain. kekurangan aku adalah keistimewaan aku. Wani terima aku seadanya. As sayang aku the way it should be. Kirah terima aku walau aku byk sakitkn hati dia. aku tak tau point ak tulih mnda2 ni suma, juz a feeling utk luahkan apa yg aku rasa. it's enough a reason kan??? okey, maybe aku agak emo hari ni.
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prof asbi yg baikk sgt...beg dy yg tlg agkt...*winx*
officer mara; pn kamesa & pn mazuin
en khaizan yg besh gile...winduu...
dlm flight, before taking off
welcome to charles de gauille?? airport

its 14 degree!!

seniors kat warsaw..
seniors from jagiellonian

dpn umah iffah hanum aisyah & aida b4 going to lodz
dlm train ala2 harry potter tuh~
medical university of lodz

to abang and kakak, i present you some of the pictures taken during the journey here. sumpah penat gila naik flight 12jam dari kl-paris. though MAS is kinda comfortable, makan pun sodap (^_^), dah serik kot naik flight lama2. hee~ abang, you better comment eh, kalo x tau la aku nak watpa. btw, i got poland phone number already. hmm,weather dia gila cold lah. my housemate, yuyu dah darah hidung on the second day here. kitorang ada pegi rumah puan duta, naik trem, metro and bus. i dunno how to survive the weather laa, baru autumn, gigil gila dah, nt winter tatau laa. the hostel is very nice, first day sampai lodz kitorang pikir nak cari internet je... esok stat orientasi, hari ni we are going shopping, with a 4th-year student from zambia,layna. the students here are very friendly and helpful, sgt2!! rasa terharu seh, kalo dorang takda, mmg stranded tatau nk watpa la kitorang 4... huu~ and a huge thanks to en khaizan-who is always there layan kerenah kitorang dari b4 fly smpai la skg...prof asbi, pn kamesa & pn mazuin-supportive as always...pn duta dari malaysia di poland-jamu kitorang dgn makanan mesia yg besh...abg saifullah-sanggup escort kitorang smpai ke lodz + angkat beg lagik...kak syifa-tunjuk ajar kitorang yg blur lg tatau pape nih...kak dayah, kak emy-ur time, ur explanation, ur kindness...iffah hanum aida aisyah-tumpangkan kitorang 1 malam kt umah korang yg best gile...seniors all over poland-welcome us with open hands and hearts...rakan2 seperjuangan-we only have each other kan...and mostly,family kat malaysia-ur support,ur help,ur unconditional love...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
alhamdulillah. kenyang la jugak makan. menu hari ni: nasi goreng kampung dgn ikan bilis dan telur + serunding. huh~ sini susah nak dapat halal food. kak syifaa ckp kt lodz ni, satu je restoran halal, so jgn mimpi laa nak makan mewah2, daging ayam segala tuh. kak yana pulak kamis dpn baru blh dtg sini. x saba nak dpt ayam. haha.... bawak ayam byk2 ye akak~ tadi abg izmir call (ke izmil??apa ntah nama dy,xpat catch up). dia ingatkn pasal akaun bank, insurans, visa and some other stuffs. haih, risau jugak la psl bank ni...nt lambat masuk elaun...wuuu~ survey buku tadi pun dah dlm 500zl... *sigh*
hari ni 2nd day orientation. smlm pegi sightseeing tgk historical buildings + museum. kat museum tu blh pulak bwk tour pegi blaja pasal jewish. hailoh~ and it reminded me of the righteous man by sam bourne. then pegi manufaktura; which is also known as city within a city. sbb kat manufaktura ni sgala mnda ada. factories, park, shopping mall, smpai la ada kereta api yg bgerak within the city itself. sgt besa & sgt cantek~ hee...
hari ni pulak ada opening ceremony, dgn president of poland (whom i dunt giv a damn whats his name is). best laa,sbb aku dapat tido! lalala... pengalaman utk Yuyu sbb dapat face to face with the pres, and one thing yg aku dpt extract dari ucapan beliau dalam keadaan mamai tersebut adalah beliau menyarankan kami2 ini utk mengikut jejak langkah United States of America dalam hal2 pembangunan. apekah??? proamerikakah anda???then aku dgn sedapnya sambung tido balik....
dan dalam byk2 ari tu, kami mmg sntiasa ada masalah pasal mknn. terpaksa jadi vegetarian makan mnda yg perut aku mmg langsung tak dpt nak terima. dan malam2 mula la gila nak makan nasi dgn lauk itu ini. sungguh aku insaf. nasi yg sebutir tu pun aku tanak bg tumpah. hee~
asyik merepek je kan, mana gamba???haha...usha blog kat bawah okai...
hari ni 2nd day orientation. smlm pegi sightseeing tgk historical buildings + museum. kat museum tu blh pulak bwk tour pegi blaja pasal jewish. hailoh~ and it reminded me of the righteous man by sam bourne. then pegi manufaktura; which is also known as city within a city. sbb kat manufaktura ni sgala mnda ada. factories, park, shopping mall, smpai la ada kereta api yg bgerak within the city itself. sgt besa & sgt cantek~ hee...
hari ni pulak ada opening ceremony, dgn president of poland (whom i dunt giv a damn whats his name is). best laa,sbb aku dapat tido! lalala... pengalaman utk Yuyu sbb dapat face to face with the pres, and one thing yg aku dpt extract dari ucapan beliau dalam keadaan mamai tersebut adalah beliau menyarankan kami2 ini utk mengikut jejak langkah United States of America dalam hal2 pembangunan. apekah??? proamerikakah anda???then aku dgn sedapnya sambung tido balik....
dan dalam byk2 ari tu, kami mmg sntiasa ada masalah pasal mknn. terpaksa jadi vegetarian makan mnda yg perut aku mmg langsung tak dpt nak terima. dan malam2 mula la gila nak makan nasi dgn lauk itu ini. sungguh aku insaf. nasi yg sebutir tu pun aku tanak bg tumpah. hee~
asyik merepek je kan, mana gamba???haha...usha blog kat bawah okai...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
i am a girl who can't really survive with western food- or specifically i am only able to eat stuffs like nasik and lauk2 kampung to get my stomach satisfied. and when i first arrived here, i've already told myself; "if i don't want to get myself starved, i will have to get used to eating the western styles." but last night, it was heaven to have nasik goreng. gosh, you won't have any idea how blissful i felt at that time. we knew this one gurl, a muslim, zenab from pakistan. we made a deal with her; that we (well,yuyu exactly,not us all) are going to cook fried rice while she'll cook the fish. and it tasted very nice!! waa...rindunye...nk makan lagik. yuyu cakap, "x sangka on the 2nd day here aku dah pun masak nasi." huu~
owh, by the way...semalam i bought a new handphone. punya laa dulu abang pesan beli blackberry la blueberry la ntah hape2 lagi, tp sbnanya hati aku dah lama gile berkenan nak sony ericsson cybershot. so td aku asyik nmpk that brand je, and i bought one for 889zl. haih~
Saturday, September 26, 2009
3 days in poland...
to abang and kakak, i present you some of the pictures taken during the journey here. sumpah penat gila naik flight 12jam dari kl-paris. though MAS is kinda comfortable, makan pun sodap (^_^), dah serik kot naik flight lama2. hee~ abang, you better comment eh, kalo x tau la aku nak watpa. btw, i got poland phone number already. hmm,weather dia gila cold lah. my housemate, yuyu dah darah hidung on the second day here. kitorang ada pegi rumah puan duta, naik trem, metro and bus. i dunno how to survive the weather laa, baru autumn, gigil gila dah, nt winter tatau laa. the hostel is very nice, first day sampai lodz kitorang pikir nak cari internet je... esok stat orientasi, hari ni we are going shopping, with a 4th-year student from zambia,layna. the students here are very friendly and helpful, sgt2!! rasa terharu seh, kalo dorang takda, mmg stranded tatau nk watpa la kitorang 4... huu~ and a huge thanks to en khaizan-who is always there layan kerenah kitorang dari b4 fly smpai la skg...prof asbi, pn kamesa & pn mazuin-supportive as always...pn duta dari malaysia di poland-jamu kitorang dgn makanan mesia yg besh...abg saifullah-sanggup escort kitorang smpai ke lodz + angkat beg lagik...kak syifa-tunjuk ajar kitorang yg blur lg tatau pape nih...kak dayah, kak emy-ur time, ur explanation, ur kindness...iffah hanum aida aisyah-tumpangkan kitorang 1 malam kt umah korang yg best gile...seniors all over poland-welcome us with open hands and hearts...rakan2 seperjuangan-we only have each other kan...and mostly,family kat malaysia-ur support,ur help,ur unconditional love...
- i'm not in the mood of uploading any photos right ...
- alhamdulillah. kenyang la jugak makan. menu hari n...
- APA YE KITORANG BUAT????? out to Galleria.. dalam...
- i am a girl who can't really survive with western ...
- 3 days in poland...
- oke. shiela memang gedik. dah la gedik, manje lak ...
- goodbye smartiess~
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