Friday, May 4, 2012


Without even planning for it, this blog has been like a diary. Imagine myself in 30 years reading all the blog entries, the one when I talked about Sidney Sheldon and Harry Potter, reciting every single characters in the books. :D The one when I wrote about my housemates back in MSU. The one with pictures I took while finding some solace in solitude in a park. I love those entries I wrote in my first year the best! It was when I was first introduced to the real islam, when I felt like I was reborn into a muslim not just by name. And the one about my bestfriends. :)

This is another collection of my private nonsense entry. 

It's like...I missed the old me. Not the whole, but a portion of it. That me who used to blog frequently. That me who used to read a novel of 2-inches-thickness in a day. That me who talked about Sidney Sheldon and his creations as if I was talking about myself. Fadh wants to find herself, because she thought her soul has gone home to Malaysia leaving her flesh here. While I want to find myself as well, thinking that my soul has been so excitedly happy in the world of jahiliyyah that she couldnt find the real her now. 

Well, since Muse asked for it. Here's two pictures, not related to anything that has been said in this entry. 

Randomly taken. One in Lagiewniki Park (or forest?), the other just by the side of the road while I was waiting for the bus. I love how colourful can trees be. Looking at the beautiful trees, no one will ever wonder about the super huge extra XXL Christian cemetery just right behind. :D