Tuesday, December 30, 2008
saye bacee....

Sunday, December 28, 2008
tag dari mashi apple afiq
hoho....serangan 3 penjuru ek afiq...???!!!siot gle korg....x aci...aku jwb tiga2 skali la...haha
aku manusia malas
revorianz,dulu umah cendekia,currently studying kat mmu,a penangite,my friend of cos...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
out to mid valley....
Monday, December 1, 2008
- penderitaan yg amat3 sgt bila tade ayer...hoho...seksa gle dowh
- mind massage....dapat,but dunno aku akn amalkan ke tak...hik3
- rase sgt rapat ngan roomateku..."hartamu hartaku jua..." (^_^)
- tgkp gamba bontot kuda...haha
- dapat sakit kaki..huhu
- dapat tgk ikan besa...kat situ byk org mancing....
- dpt jwb soklan ni..."apakah ciri2 sahabat yg anda inginkan??? apakah perkara yg anda benci pada ibu dan ayah anda??"
k ar,malas nk merepek dah...papai everyone!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
salam semua...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
it's another day....
missing someone like crazy....
i dn't know what is really wrong with me...
i read hlovate's the whole morning...
and there's some values i found in there...
i don't usually go for novels for this kind of things...
i read for my satisfaction...coz of my passion...
but once i read hers (i think it's a she),
i felt different...
what arr actually???
Saturday, October 18, 2008
..the road not taken..
Monday, October 13, 2008
...a journey...
i was first introduced to him when i read The Best Laid Plans and i immediately fell in luv with it. A story of love,power and revenge of William Russell and Leslie Stewart. i met Dana Evans in it, which happened to be one of my most admiring characters. i read Rage Of Angels then, and i was stunned by Jennifer Parker's determination. How can a woman be as tough as her?? The third is Bloodline, again, it was a story of a young woman, Liz Roffe, being dragged into a full-of-disguise world when his beloved father accidentally died. i fell in luv with this one too, Sheldon's descriptions of everything were juz so great! Then, it was If Tomorrow Comes...the one that i luv most, the one that i could say influenced me most. As if it was Sheldon's trademark, most of his novels were lead by women characters, so was this one. AND this time, it was Tracy Whitney, about her courage, her determination, her hard works to be tough to the world that has been tough to her. its not until after about a year that i found out, one of the incident that happened to Tracy in the novel was a real incident in Sheldon's life.
i read Are You Afraid Of The Dark? after that, life of two widows, Kelly Harris and Diane Stevens, being hunted after their husbands' mysterious deaths. Tell Me Your Dreams introduced me to a psychological disease called multiple personality disorder, where there are alters exist in a host. Nothing Lasts Forever was also my favourite, coz its about medical life! (excited reading this one, dreaming already i've belonged to that world...haha). It was about 3 doctors who were also friends but facing different experiences and fates; Paige Taylor, Kat Hunter and Honey Taft. The Other Side Of Midnight is the next, a story of.....well,can i say a square love??? Regarding 4 persons, Constantin Demiris-who loves Noelle, Noelle Paige-who loves Larry, Catherine Alexander-who also loves Larry and Larry Douglas-who loves women!!! Memories Of Midnight was a continuation of TOSOM, but focussed on Demiris's and Catherine's life.
The Naked Face is Shelson's first novel, about Judd, a psychiatrist whom someone anonymously was trying to murder. i read A Stranger In The Mirror then; sorry to say but among all his books, i took the longest to finish this one and its hard to admit that i quite disliked this one...haha....its about Toby Temple who was a world-famous comedian and his wife, Jill Castle that kept a painful secret. Master Of The Games was also among the best, i reckon...but i could hardly recall the names of the characters, except for the leading one, Kate Blackwell. a story of 4 generations (if i'm not mistaken) of Blackwell's family. Windmills Of The Gods again focussed on the courage of a woman, Mary Ashley who was being sent to Romania as the US ambassador. The Sands Of Time was one of my favourite too, about 4 nuns-Megan, Theresa, Graciella and Lucia and their thrilled experience with Jaime Miro, a so-called terrorist in Madrid.
Then is The Doomsday Conspiracy, i couldn't wait to read this one at first coz its one of the first books being recommended by Kucai!!(^_^) it turned out to be satisfactory, but i could say this novel ran a little bit from Sheldon's trademark. its about Robert Bellamy who was ordered to investigate on a crashed UFO, juz to find out at the end that his investigations led to a serial murder and he was also on the list! The Stars Shine Down introduced me to Lara Cameron, who enslaved her life only to her career. i have also forgotten the characters in Morning, Noon And Night except for Harry Stanford. it was a story of the cold war of stanford's sons and daughters to inherit his million-worth wealth. The last one is The Sky Is Falling. remember i mentioned earlier about Dana Evans?? she appeared again in this one, investigating a murder case as a young capable reporter.
wow, thats a lot i've written this time!!!haha....Thank you, Sidney Sheldon for all your novels. Thank you for creating Dana Evans; from her i got the courage to always stand strong for what we believe even if the world was against us. Thank you too for your Tracy Whitney; from her i learnt that there's always a bright and beautiful dawn after a dark night. Thank you again for introducing me to Paige Taylor; which realised me that meaningful life is not juz about starting a whole new thing, but its also about having the guts to face an ending. You also introduced me to many parts of the world, i could say that i appreciated atlas more after reading your books. Now i know where are Bucharest, Kiev, Sarajevo, Sardinia erc....i seemed an idiot right now writing this but its all true!!! Most of all, thank you so much for your memorable stories that i'm definitely sure will be long-remembered...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
cian mashi...da lame dia tag aku..huhu
A : You like to drink.
B : You like people.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to eat.
E : You like to play with cat.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and good looks.
I : Easy to be with.
J : People Adore you.
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : Everyone loves you.
M : Best kisser ever.
N : Best bf/gf anyone could ask for.
O : Easy to fall in love with.
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : You're loyal to those you love.
S : Fuckin crazy.
T : Awesome kisser.
U : You really like to chill.
V : Awesome in bed
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You love sports.
Y: Best bf/gf anyone could ask for.
Z : Always ready.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
jenanians kat kampung baru...

Friday, September 12, 2008

time explorace kat bukit cerakah....best sgt saat tu....aku knal lebih rapat dgn kawan2 satu course yg b4 ni tak penah ckp pun...sronok coz aku rasa aku ada gk sedikit sebanyak contribute 4 this team even at the end,yg kitorg dapat juz penat n sluar yg kotor....haha....plg kesian adli,kna simbah ngan air....em,nk knalkan la kwn2 aku lam ni....yg kiri plg belakang tu,kaavin kumar...the only nonmalay lam grup ni...tp dia ni ramah gk,so tade la rasa kekok pun....sebelah tu farid.....dulu2,1st time aku knal dia kt cc,aku igt dia dak private...huhu....pastu baru aku tau dia sama mentor ngan aku....sebelah tu adli,ex-asis...ketua kumpulan ni....dia best arr,hyperactive maa...haha....pastu jidin,dak saser....nampak nerd tapi baik woo...huhu....pastu farah...ntah arr,tapi most of the time aku macam slalu je dpt satu grup ngan farah ni....then,sha...x knal sgt coz dia join kitorg pun da lmbt,hari prog tu baru dia dtg...pastu nadia....she speaks japanese maa....hihi....depan nadia tu nia (sama nama ngan bear aku)...dia ni penolong ketua kump....pun hyperactive gk,xtau penat....sampai satu tahap tu,adli tya dia,"ko makan steroid ke?"....erk..???sebelah nia amanda....cute attitude....ada satu kali tu kitorg kna blakon,dia jd baby...cara dia nangis,alololo...haha....plg depan kiri nabilah huda,dak lompat gk....selain housemate aku,aku agak rapat gak ngan dia...taktau arr nape leh rapat....maybe sebab dia antara classmate first yg ak knal kot....aku ska sgt manja2 ngan dia...tp dia suka cubit n cekik aku...huhu...pastu azhani...aku da story pasal dia ni lam previous blog,roomate aku....pastu nana....nana ni baik,tak berkira....heheh...n lastly nabilah....dak sbpikp....classmate aku gk....baik gak arr ngan aku...hmm,ni la few things bout kawan2 aku...
byk kawan aku dpt kat sini,tapi sku stil lagi rindu jenan...nape ek???kawan2 kat jenan tak sama dgn kawan2 kt tempat lain kn....emm,ari ni nk g bkak posa ngan dak jenan kt kg baru....waa,excited gle!!!!ngan nada,farah,bella,cu-ai,mashi,nuru,kaymucks,kucai...em,ada lg ke ha????last time la jumpa kucai b4 dia fly...x sabanya....hihi....
Friday, August 15, 2008

i wrote this actually on 26th july 2008...at 3.59am....in my study room....
for me, love is a gift from GOD to us. we have one of the beauty of life without having to buy it. can everyone be grateful please???huhu....what things are even much sweeter than love??what things are even more sincere than love???and what things are even much stupider than love???i've asked a few friends about loving someone and being loved by someone....and all of them said, "being loved is a lot sweeter than loving someone.." but the best is, when both come altogether at the same time...
and right now, at this very minute, i know i've fallen in love....
what are so damn great about love??it can make u do stupid,unexplained things. it can make u do nothing at all! it can even make u suffer. so,why take the risk??don't love, n u will live. but...love is somewhat a yinyang thing...and people would prefer to feelthe bitter sides of it as long as they are able to know the sweetness beyond the love. with love, even the stupidest,dumbest guy on earth would be willing to take the challenge.coz love makes people brave, n love shows how honest we are.
and right now, at this very minute, i know i've fallen in love.
we can love anyone we want, even without reasons, but we can't force anyone to love us. that's the biggest difference btw to love n being loved. and that is why we prefer the feeling of being loved, it is unexplainable, unimaginable....it comes all by itself n u have to experience it yourself. i can love anyone i want, but i can't make them love me back. it explains the unconditional part of love.
and at the age of 18, i've already own the greatest love a person could ever have....
- my family...(pak,arwah mak,tok,abg e n family,kaknini,abg ein etc...)
- friends that i love sooo much~wanie as nada fathi fizah jimah kirah apple najmi suhaimi zafri etc.....
- a very special bestfriend God gave me~nadd....
- and i do have the world's greatest love too...insyaALLAH....
my love towards them complete half of my life, n if they love me too, my life is totally complete....i need no more...huhu....(^_^)
Monday, August 11, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
housemates fmsku.....

yg takda lam gamba,nurul shahida zahar....dia ni kalo amik gamba suka tgk tmpt lain...tu pyh sket nk amik gamba dia....huhu....aku bgga tau,sbb org pertama yg shida bg hadiah besday adlah kat aku....waa...terharunya....ngehehe....shida ni sgt common ngan gelaran api....sbbnya biarla kitorg je yg tau....lg 1,trademark umah aku...supit surgery....hak3....heheh....shida ni bdak kl,em smbndr baru bangi kot....huhu....