Monday, October 24, 2011


Dengan nama Allah, yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Mengasihani.


Saat Malaysia sibuk dengan HIMPUN, warga Malaysia Poland pulak sibuk dengan ISK last weekend. Patutnya this entry should be written before the ISK, tapi nak buat macam mana dah masa ni baru ada mood nak blogging kan. Hehe. Seronok dapat kembali ber-ISK. Tak boleh kalau dengar sekali je, dengar tiap2 tahun pun tak jemu, di samping boleh jugak polish balik apa yg dah berkarat, remind balik apa yg dah terlupa, renew balik niat yg dah lama. ^_^

Ini video promo ISK yg disediakan oleh Triple P Production. Thumbs up to them. Dengar background music pun dah berdentum2 bunyi jantung. Hehe. Kepada yg dah pernah dapat ISK, tahu la apa bestnya ISK ni. Pada yg tak tahu, tak salah untuk ambil sedikit inisiatif dan tanya pada yg tahu. InsyaAllah sekelumit pun tak akan rugi kalau dapat tahu tentang ISK ni. :)


Kelas Hygiene and Epidemiology. Macam biasa masa kelas ni aku memang berleluasa sikit, tulis esei luar tajuk berkajang-kajang bagi nak mengelak mengantuk. Akhirnya hari ini, ini yang terhasil. Tak ada motif pun, tapi rasa nak post jugak. Hehe.

Sahabat-sahabat Rasulullah SAW

Negara-negara Islam

Surah-surah dalam al-Quran

The last two crosswords tu tak sempat Fadh, Pidah and Yuyu nak buat dah habis kelas. Hehe. Aku saja buat sebab Yuyu ngadu mengantuk sangat, tak nak bagi dia tido aku suruh la dia buat crossword ni. Haha. Oh gambar last tu abaikan. Kemaruk nak main game spider2 tu, tapi Yuyu tak bawak handphone, so terpaksa la reka sendiri kan. Hehe.


Poland dah sejuk. Huhu. Yakin berani je aku keluar tadi pakai sweater sehelai, walau masih boleh tahan lagi tapi kawan2 lain dah berbungkus dengan dua tiga sweater dah. Huhu. Selagi belum salji ni, nak la ambik gambar autumn barang sekeping. Cantik betul daun2 warna golden yellow, tapi tak sempat lagi nak ambik gambar. Subhanallah memang sangat cantik kot. That's why autumn is my favourite season. :) Oh, insyaAllah weekend ni nak jumpa Mashi dekat Germany. Semoga dipermudahkan. ^^

Salam sayang untuk semua. Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan kita semua. :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

#173 Umar ^_^

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.

A friend of mine said, we can't just make friends with the human being. Make friends with the nature as well. Because unlike us, they remember Allah 24/7. That is why we human tend to feel calm around nature. Listening to the sound of the rain drops, birds chirping, waves in the ocean and much more.

And so I went to Galleria yesterday, my favourite shopping mall in Lodz and I bought this. Taddaaaa~~!!

Align CenterHi there! I am Umar ^^

I am not good in taking care of animals and plants. And so as a start, I thought maybe cactus will be the easiest one to take care of. Haha. No idea though, but I hope Umar will not die. Umar has a companion though, called Iman, Yuyu's cactus. Anyway, his little appearance made him so cute. Haha. Jes asked me last night, "Did you hug him to sleep?" ^^ If not due to the thorns, I might have done that for real! XD

Oh, I named him Umar because while thinking of a name for him, I kinda thought about Saidina Umar al-Khattab. I adored Saidina Umar's outspoken attitude, and though he's one of the dearest sahabats to Rasulullah, I could somehow see how humble he was. He's the best example for me, whenever I thought it was so difficult to leave the jahiliyyah I've been living in. Umar the Cactus, please grow up and be as strong as Saidina Umar r.a. ^^

Oh, I promised As that I will be updating my blog more frequently. And up until now, I think I did a good job in holding on to my promise. But then, she somehow disappeared. Sigh. She might be busy studying though. Well, I hope she's doing well, but I am so missing her here in blog and facebook as well. And there has been a few requests for her to make twitter. But she told me she wouldn't make one though. I hope she changed her mind, because she's missing the fun of us Revorians in twitter. Keke.

Hm, that's all for now. ^^ This week, though only the second week of the semester, is going to be hectic for me. Exam, quizzes and homeworks. Please pray for me, that I will be doing well. And I so desperately need to boost up my confidence! Most of the classes that I have to attend need me to stand up and talk. And somehow, I am still not confident with my English. Well, maybe it's because I didn't speak English but Manglish all the time. Sigh.

Till we meet again! :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011


"Bukan kerana agama saya memilih awak. Lebih ramai akhawat yg dipandang punya asas akidah yg lebih mantap dari awak." Dia terjeda di situ, membuat Syuhada gelisah dengan keadaan sepi antara mereka.

Dari tadi Syuhada sekadar memandang jari kaki. Tidak sekalipun pandangannya teralih pada lelaki yg sedang berdiri di hadapannya saat ini. Namun, Syuhada tahu lelaki itu tersenyum menatapinya. Dan Syuhada tahu lelaki itu sedar akan kegelisahan hatinya saat itu. Syuhada menunggu lelaki itu menyambung bicara. Namun lelaki itu terus berdiam. Lantas Syuhada bergerak melepasi lelaki itu untuk keluar dari bilik yg terasa sesak dengan kehadiran si lelaki.

Syuhada tiba-tiba kaku saat tangan si lelaki merentap lengannya. "Tapi kerana cinta." Satu ayat ringkas yg menambah rasa tidak senang dalam hati Syuhada. Dia kaku di situ. Tidak mampu memberi respon, juga tidak mampu untuk terus melangkah keluar.

"Saya yakin kehadiran awak mampu menambahkan cinta saya terhadap Allah. Saya yakin kehadiran awak mampu menjadikan saya hamba yg lebih baik."

Syuhada sekadar terdiam. Sejenak, lelaki itu melepaskan pegangannya lalu melangkah keluar meninggalkan Syuhada sendirian.

"Harinya akan tiba, bila Syuhada perlu berdiri di atas kaki sendiri. Walid tak akan lagi berada di sisi Syuhada. Syuhada perlu berani untuk meneruskan hidup. Walaupun bersendirian, tapi ingatlah bahawa Syuhada bukan ditinggalkan berseorangan. Perhatian-Nya sentiasa terhadap hamba-hamba-Nya. Rintihan2 kita sentiasa Dia ambil kira. Cinta-Nya bukan sekadar cinta biasa. Cinta-Nya luar biasa. Carilah cinta Dia, dan Syuhada akan raih cinta makhluk-makhluk-Nya."

Walid. Syuhada teringatkan Walid. Kata-kata Walid. Nasihat Walid. Kasih sayang Walid. Perhatian Walid. Senyuman Walid. Kelembutan Walid. Hari ini kerinduan Syuhada terhadap Walid semakin membuak-buak. Hari ini Syuhada mengharapkan kehadiran Walid di antara tetamu yg mengerumuni majlis. Syuhada mahu berterima kasih pada Walid. Syuhada mahu menangis di bahu Walid. Syuhada mahu Walid mengganti Along menjadi walinya.

"Angah?" Along muncul di sebalik pintu. Syuhada senyum dalam tangisan yang masih bersisa.

"Along, Angah rindu Walid,"kata-kata itu terluah juga akhirnya.

Dan Along tersenyum tawar. Tangan Along pantas menggenggam tangan Syuhada. "Semua orang rindu Walid. Along pun sama. Dan Walid bukan ke mana-mana. Walid ada bersama kita. Dalam ingatan kita. Dalam doa kita. Dalam diri kita. Walid menunggu kita di tempat yg lebih baik dari ini, insyaAllah. Dan bila diizinkan Allah, kita akan bertemu semula dengan Walid. Pertemuan yg tak akan dipisahkan lagi."

Syuhada mengukir segaris senyuman. Kata2 Along menenangkan jiwanya yg sedikit celaru. Along benar. Walid berada di sisi Allah. Dan Walid sedang menunggu ahli keluarganya untuk bertemu semula.

"Along, Walid tahu hari ni akan tiba, kan? Walid pesan pada Syuhada untuk mencintai Allah. Dan hari ini, Syuhada bertemu dia yang ingin bersama Syuhada untuk sama2 mencintai Allah."

Along senyum lagi. Adiknya Syuhada sudah bergelar seorang isteri. Adiknya Syuhada sudah punya kehidupan sendiri, sudah punya tanggung jawab sendiri.

"Barakallahulakuma sayang. Along mendoakan yg terbaik untuk Angah. Tanggung jawab Angah semakin bertambah. Namun, jangan lupa matlamat utama kita sebagai seorang hamba. Mencari keredhaan Allah. Dan Allah akan sentiasa bersama mereka yg membantu agama-Nya."

Syuhada mengangguk. Mencari keredhaan Allah. Mencari cinta Allah. Mencari ketenangan dalam kasih Allah. Syuhada bukan sendirian lagi, Walid. Ingatan terhadap Walid, sokongan Along dan kasih seorang suami. Syuhada bukan lagi bersendirian dalam mengejar cinta Allah.


Ugh, been years since I last wrote something. This sounds lame. And uninteresting. And somehow out of the theme that I wanted to convey. Sorry about this. Shiela lost her interest in writing and she will be going for a hunt to get it back!

Well, basically I wanted to emphasize Walid's character in Syuhada's life. How someone who has passed away influenced those who are still living. The dead are dead. But they left behind something that made those who lived continue living. Then, it was about knowing consciously what our goal is. As an ustaz once said..we human has only one problem; which is we do not know whether we will end up in hell, or heaven. It's easy to say I want to live a life which is blessed by Allah. I want to be the one Allah loves. But to interpret it practically into daily life..gahh, trust me you need support to do that. I mean we need support to do that. And here comes the third theme, biah. Environment. An environment is very significant. I lost myself when the environment changed drastically, and so I knew how important biah is in one's life. It's true that we are what we eat. But do not forget that we are what our friends are as well. :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

#171 the past, the present, the future

Almost everyone has a dark past.

And almost everyone has their own skeleton in the closet.

Some do not even know the purpose on what they are doing right now.

Some never think about it, they just want to follow where life will take them to.

And many, are curious -and sometimes afraid- of the still blurry future.

Nahh, it is normal. ^^ We human tend to want what we don't have. And we human tend to like what we don't need. We human always dream of a future that we want, but not everyone will get exactly what they dreamt and imagined.

For the dark past. And the not as exciting present. And the blurry future. CHEERS!!

At least you know now you are not alone. Following the one path that you think is the best for you. Or finding that one path that you want to follow for the rest of your life. Either you already found it or are still searching, just so you know you are not alone. =) Keep hoping and having faith! We will find our way eventually, no matter how dark our past was, or how blurry our future will be, or how unexciting our present is.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

#170 random pictures

This is blunt. Forgive me, for another random entry. ^^ But sometimes, pictures speak louder than words. These are some collections of my favourite pictures. Don't ask me why, I just love them! Hehe. These pictures were all taken in Tamil Nadu and Manali, India. There are still a lot more..but I guess this is enough for a random entry. Hehe.. The pictures are not in any significant order ^^

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

#169 random talk.

I found this.

Allah Says:-

Try to Walk on My Way,
I'll Make all the Ways Easy for you.

Try to Spend your Wealth in My Way,
I'll Open Oceans of Treasure for you.

Try to Leave your Wills for Me,
I'll Make your Desired Destiny for you.

Try to Bear Pain on My Way,
I'll Open the Doors of My Care for you.

Try to Believe in Me,
I'll Make Sincere Friends for you.

Try to Be Mine,
I'll Make Everyone for you !‚

And I think it was so so so sweet. Hehe. By depending on Him and Him alone that we will be able to conquer the world. Some said Islam is conservative. It is indeed conservative, for those who only see Islam as a mere religion to profess. But Islam isn't that small of a scope. ^^ Islam covers every single things; from things that should and shouldn't be done in our daily life to how an Islamic empire should rule the world. Islam isn't conversative, if you see it as your life, and your afterlife. Islam is the most perfect way to lead a happy life.

"Abandon desire for this world, and God will love you. Abandon desire for others' goods, and people will love you." -Ibn Majah.

Monday, October 3, 2011

#168-Shaqirah dan Nadirah

Dengan nama Allah Tuhan yang Maha Pemurah dan Maha Mengasihani.

Ini surat kasih saya untuk sahabat2 tersayang. Shaqirah especially, untuk Nadirah juga, and Harumi as well (though I know she won't read this, and even if she does she won't understand a thing).

Masalah bukan sesuatu yang mampu kita elak. Masalah is a significant thing in life. It's a must. It's necessary. Kadang2 Allah bagi masalah untuk bantu kita untuk come out better and stronger. Kadang2 Allah bagi masalah sebagai cara untuk menghapus dosa2 kita. Kadang2 Allah bagi masalah sebagai peringatan untuk kita, atas kesalahan dan kecuaian kita dalam mengingati Dia. No matter what the reasons are, semua orang ada masalah.

Dan kerana uniknya kita sebagai makhluk bernama manusia, walau kita sedar sepenuhnya bahawa Allah hanya memberi kita dugaan berdasarkan kemampuan kita, kadang2 kita masih perlu sokongan seorang manusia bernama sahabat. Sahabat bukan yang berkuasa menyelesaikan masalah, tapi keberadaan seorang sahabat di sisi, walaupun tak mampu membantu, masih menjadi sesuatu yg sangat kita hargai. Sahabat boleh tolong mendengar. Menasihati mana yg patut. Mengingatkan mana yg lupa. Sahabat juga boleh tolong mendoakan.

Untuk Kirah dan Nad, it must be tough for you guys right now. To be frank, aku pun tengah berhadapan dgn situasi yg sama. Tapi we can stay strong together kan? Paling penting, Allah is always with you guys. It's amazing on how sometimes He shows to us that He's there. Buka mata dan buka hati, kita akan dapat lihat tanda2 yg Allah sedang berbicara dengan kita. Whatever happened, it's because He wanted it to be that way. Sesibuk mana sekali pun Dia, perhatian Dia terhadap kita sedikit pun tak pernah terabai.

Menangis. Menangislah selagi mampu. Tears is not a proof that you are weak. Tears is a way to show that you are indeed a human after all, yg ada masanya rasa sedih dan memerlukan sokongan seseorang. Dan luahkan kalau boleh. Manusia tak sama. Ada yg suka meluahkan pada yg sudi mendengar, ada yg lebih suka memendam. Untuk aku yg tak suka meluahkan pada mereka bernama manusia, I'll spend time talking like a crazy lady to my teddy bears or even to myself. Luahkan dengan kata2! Even tak ada orang nak menyahut balik, tapi seriously it was a great therapy sebenarnya. Hehe.

Emo. Semua perempuan emo. Hehe. Dan bila emo, perempuan suka buat keputusan tanpa fikir panjang. Aku pun mcm tu. Pastu emo lagi sebab menyesal kan lepas tu. ^^ Kalau aku emo, aku menangis. Dengar lagu sentimental, dan menangis lagi. Dan bila aku emo, jangan la sapa2 nak datang dekat. Waktu emo, mungkin waktu yg sebaiknya kita duduk sendirian bertemankan Tuhan, Raqib dan Atid saja. Ambik masa emo tu untuk beremo dengan Tuhan, mengadu habis-habisan. He sure likes us to talk to Him. ^^ Oh, mengingatkan aku pada Hadith 19 dari Hadith 40 Imam Nawawi. Check it out. ^^

Hm, I'll talk again later. Ada kelas Hygiene and Epidemiology right now. First class as a third year student for me. Applause for me to have survived until my third year. Hehe.

Sayang sayang sayang korang!